Sport Psychology is the field that helps athletes – as well as all others who are performance oriented, such as performers, musicians, dancers, singers, and business executives – to perform at their best and according to their true potential.
It employs a variety of techniques and can help you reach your goals by working on mental skills development such as focus and concentration, arousal control, self-talk, self-confidence, relaxation etc., emotional control and balance – overcoming anxiety, anger, disappointment, injury etc. – , skills development such as goal-setting, time-management, communication skills, establishing pre-performance routines etc.
Sport Psychology

Sport Psychology
Performance enhancement
For an athlete, developing the mindset and mental skills is highly important in order to achieve the maximum performance, concentration, resilience to stress, as well as changing the way they perceive training, competitive environments, failure, success, adversity and numerous other factors that affect their effectiveness.
What’s in it for you
Working together, will give you the opportunity to develop these mental skills and mindset that will help you reach your potential and achieve your goals. The skills we will work on are among others:
- Focus & Concentration
- Goalsetting & self-management
- Self-confidence
- Emotional balance and control
- Stress managenet, Anger management, coping with frustrations
- Coping with injury
- Motivation
- Arousal control
- Effective communication (athlete/athlete, coach/athlete, feedback, parent/athlete)
- Decision making